Hours/Availability: Hours are varied, click here to view hours

Location: 120 Iowa Ave.

Email: lib-sciences@uiowa.edu

Phone: (319) 335-3083

Website: https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/sciences/

About the Sciences Library

The Sciences Library offers research consultations with science librarians, resources to support scholarship in the sciences, and a variety of services, both in-person and online.

For assistance and general information about the Sciences Library, visit https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/sciences/help/.

What to Expect

We have tables, study carrels, soft seating, and bean bag chairs that you can use for studying. We have a free scanner that you can use to scan books and papers to PDFs, which you can then email or save to a flash drive. We have computer stations and print stations that you can use as well. You are welcome to use the computers and seating available on all three floors.

How to Prepare

Bring your Iowa One card if you would like to check out books and other materials from the Sciences Library!