History Teaching & Writing Center
Hours/Availability: By appointment - Click here to schedule an appointment
Location: In-Person (303 Schaeffer Hall) & Virtual (Zoom)
Phone: (319) 335-2584
About the History Teaching & Writing Center
The Department of History Teaching and Writing Center was founded in 1997 to help undergraduate students improve their history writing skills. Staffed by several graduate student advisors every semester, the History Writing Center is available to any student in a history course needing assistance with a writing assignment. Visit the website above for full schedule and a link to schedule an appointment!
What to Expect
We can:
- Help you to brainstorm ideas for papers and presentations.
- Help you to polish the rough ideas you already have.
- Help you to organize outlines and papers.
- Help you refine a draft.
- Help you create a strong historical argument.
- Help to demystify the ways that historians talk about history.
- Help you turn in the best paper you possibly can.
How to Prepare
To give you the best help we can, we ask that you provide the following:
- A copy of your assignment sheet.
- Any brainstorm diagrams, rough work, or writing you have completed for the project.