Looking for help in your courses?

Click "search for help" to browse academic support options by course!

Academic Tips Videos

Watch these short yet impactful Academic Tips Videos for skills and tactics to build your toolbox for academic success. Video topics include how to succeed in specific types of classes, using academic support, studying & preparing for exams, and more!

Private Tutors

Private tutors are available in a variety of courses for undergraduate students to hire for additional academic support. Tutors listed through this site have been approved by Tutor Iowa administration by confirming they have met specific criteria.

Academic Tips Worksheets

Check out these interactive Academic Tips Worksheets for tips, strategies, and information to help you succeed in a variety of areas, such as communication, stress management, test taking, time management, and more!

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free, course-specific, peer-facilitated collaborative study session designed to help you learn course content while also developing study skills you can apply to all of your classes. Check out session days & times now!

Help Centers

Several departments on campus offer various forms of academic support, including one-on-one consultations, technology services, drop-in or appointment based tutoring, and more!


These 45-50 minute Academic Success Workshops are available to student groups, student organizations, university departments, and course instructors on a variety of topics. They are interactive and designed to help students develop foundational skills to support their academic success. Explore workshop topics and request a workshop for your group now!