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Below are brief descriptions of some academic support services offered:
Campus Help Centers
Several departments on campus offer academic support including one-on-one consultations, technology services, tutoring, and more.
See a full list of these centers on the Help Centers page!
Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free resource that helps you figure out how to be successful in your course. You'll meet with a fellow student (the SI leader) who did well in the course. The SI leader will facilitate activities to help you better understand the course material and how to study smarter.
Learn more about Supplemental Instruction on the SI page!
Private Tutors
Private Tutors are available to undergraduate students in a variety of courses. These tutors have been approved by Tutor Iowa Administration by confirming that they have met the following criteria: are University of Iowa students, have earned 12 or more semester hours of credit at the University of Iowa, have a minimum UI GPA of 3.33, have earned a B grade or higher in each course they are listing, and have completed the Tutor Iowa Orientation.
Appointments and fees are negotiated privately. Tutor Iowa is not responsible for the payment of or services provided by private tutors.
It is strongly encouraged for undergraduate students seeking help to request a 10-15 minute meeting (at no cost) with any prospective private tutors you wish to hire. During this meeting, share with the tutor why you are seeking help (what do you want to get out of tutoring) and, in return, ask the tutor how they will be able to meet your goals. If you think you would like to receive services from this tutor, discuss the details of what the service will include: when will you receive tutoring, where you will meet (we recommend an on-campus location, such as the Main Library or IMU), how often will you meet, and the hourly pay. Put this in writing -- an e-mail will do -- to make sure both parties understand what the service will entail. This is a memorandum of understanding. We have created a sample memorandum of understanding for you and your tutor to use as a template.
If you are unable to find a suitable private tutor through Tutor Iowa, it is recommended that you talk with your professor, TA or the corresponding academic department to see if they have any leads on private tutors.
Learn more about and find a tutor on the Private Tutor page!