Hours/Availability: Hours are varied, click here to view hours

Location: 125 MacLean Hall (MLH)

Phone: (319) 335- 0810

Website: https://math.uiowa.edu/math-tutorial-lab

About the Math Tutorial Lab

The Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory is a place for students to get assistance studying for their math classes. Its primary function is to provide students with the opportunity to receive one-on-one help from tutors ready and able to answer questions; the Math Tutorial Lab gets over 5,000 student visits each semester.

Tutoring Hours:

First Week of Class Hours
(January 20-24)

The Math Tutorial Lab will offer drop-in tutoring hours in the Math Tutorial Lab during the day. Normal tutoring hours will begin Monday, January 27 (see those hours below).

 In-Person Tutoring Only
Monday, January 20 Closed
Tuesday, January 219:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday, January 229:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday, January 239:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday, January 249:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Regular Semester Hours
(January 27-May 9)

The Math Tutorial Lab offers drop-in tutoring hours in the Math Tutorial Lab. 

In-Person Tutoring Only
Sundays Closed
Mondays9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Tuesdays9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Wednesdays9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Thursdays9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Fridays9:30 AM - 3:30 PM


The Math Tutorial Lab will be closed for tutoring on Monday, September 2 and from Monday March 17-Friday March 29. We will create a different schedule for Exam Week once the exam schedule is released. 

Private Tutoring

The Mathematics Department maintains a list of students available for private tutoring. You may pick up a copy of this list in the Math Tutorial Lab or in the Mathematics Department Office (14 MacLean Hall). If you are interested in being added to this list, tutor applications are available in 14 MLH from Amy Simonson.

What to Expect

When you come into the Mathematics Tutorial Lab, you will sign in at the Front Desk, find a seat in the appropriate area for your course, and raise your hand when you need help. Tutors in the lab are graduate teaching assistants and undergraduate math majors. The tutors will not give answers to homework – instead, they will help you learn the techniques that will enable you to do your homework.

How to Prepare

Bring your notes for the course and any other materials (textbook, example problems, etc.) that you think will be helpful for you to have. Make sure you are attending class and coming in with specific questions or topics. If possible, visit the lab more than 48 hours before your test and come in on a regular basis.