Hours/Availability: Hours are varied, click here to view hours

Location: 125 W. Washington St.; For research help, online and in-person appointments (see link below) or drop-in (Just Ask Desk, First Floor, Main Library)

Email: lib-ref@uiowa.edu

Phone: (319) 335-5299

Website: https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/

About the Main Library

The UI Libraries offer a variety of services, both in-person and online. 

Personalized services offered through the Main Library include:

  • Research Consultations: a personal research consultation with a subject librarian can save time and get better results. Contact your subject librarian directly or schedule a research consultation to be matched with a librarian.
  • The SEAM: undergraduate research assistance is available online and in-person through Students Engage at Main. Check out the SEAM's Tutor Iowa page for more information!

For assistance and general information about the UI Libraries, visit "Help Using the Libraries" at http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/help

For additional contact information see http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/contact.

In addition to the Main Library (LIB), there are seven discipline-specific libraries on campus. Visit the campus libraries page at http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/locations for the location and hours of the: